
A little bit about us...

Welcome to the weird and wonderful website of individual and iconic gift ideas. I have always been passionate about running my own business, and initially I started out by buying in gifts for the home that decorated any living space. However, I felt I wasn’t actually fulfilling my potential and I was eager to share a little more about my talents than just a trinket in a box. I have always worked part time and I’m a busy mum of two. This is my dream, and for anybody out there that’s contemplating a change then I would 100% recommend following your passion and taking the risk. Anything is possible with determination and following your dreams.

Some people may call me idiosyncratic but I like to be unique in my approach and my work and I wanted something that stood out from the other mass produced gift ideas. I am very artistic and gain great pleasure in designing something distinctive. My jigsaw pieces and plaques combine my two defining characteristics…..creativity and a quirky sense of humour. They are exclusively individual, which makes the gesture so much more intimate. In a world where people seem to follow the crowd, these items are something different, and as affordable as a bunch of flowers, but far more memorable.

I can create a personal message to somebody that is as specific as you want. From birthdays and celebrations, to teachers presents, or a keepsake that represents a loved one or pet who has passed away. They can be for any occasion, or no occasion at all. That is the beauty of my business. It’s an amusing way of conveying a message to somebody you love that cannot not be replicated by any other. I am most definitely one of a kind and as such my work is tailor made and specifically hand crafted making it an extaordinary gesture. It is affordable and available to suit any pocket and a small way of me communicating the lighter side of life. Anything that can bring a smile to your face, or brighten your day in some way brings me immense gratification.

I have already built a large client base to whom I am eternally grateful to. I wouldn’t have got this far without your support and interest, so I fully appreciate every customer who contacts me. This venture has consumed my free time and I wouldn’t rather be doing anything else. This could be considered the final piece to my personal jigsaw of life.